Sunday, July 22, 2007

God is really real...

Yesterday during service, God spoke to me through the programme, the flow of events, the worship and a brother's testimony with regards to my previous blog entry "Bluntly Speaking 3".

A very long time ago, I was actually wondering if God is real, could He send me an SMS? But this time, He responded to my blog entry and I knew for certain that He's really simple as that.

I myself can see and feel God working mightily and sovereignly in my life after I decided to make an intentional, conscious effort to seek Him with all I am.

Holding nothing back in our service, ministry and worship unto God is something which He desires.
  • I'm tired and sleepy, yet I choose to wake up early to pray.
  • We're doing our own things, chatting about stuff, yet we decided to stop everything to seek God.
  • I will normally go ahead with my work, but I stopped in my tracks to talk to God.
  • I choose to make it a point to pray.
  • I intentionally seek God, not due to events or circumstances.

13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29

1 comment:

The Royal Tail said...

Hey Dom! I'm so glad God spoke :D