Wednesday, August 13, 2008

the little things that slowly add up...

I'm using a bit of maths and simple algebra to explain this...

X: watching TV, surfing the net, playing computer games, etc
Y: full 3 years = 1095 days = 26 280 hours

If you do X for 2 hours a day, for 36 will have spent Y.
If you do X for 2.5 hours a day, for 28.8 years, you will have spent Y.
If you do X for 3 hours a day, for 24 years, you will have spent Y.

Putting in specific examples and complete sentencing:

If we watched TV 2.5 hours everyday, for 28.8 years (say from ages 5 to 34), we would have spent enough time to complete a full-time, 3 year degree course.

I mean full-time as in with full day lessons, with free time and holidays inside.

No wonder being organised and informed about what we do in life goes a long, long way...


Love Jam said...

surfing the net can be educational, depends how u use it

Dominic. said...

oh...what i meant was surfing the net aimlessly...

it's actually quite difficult to discern the quality of time we spend online...whether for leisure, for work, for information, or for 'nothing in mind'...

in this case, we can always ask ourselves what we have taken home or accomplished from it...

...sounds quite unnecessary, but this kindda works if we really want to watch our time..